(append-in-menu menu &rest what) function
Append with gtk_menu_shell_append all things in what to menu
(create-component tipo &rest argomenti) function
Component creator function. Create the component of type 'tipo' (that must be a symbol in the keyword package) using the constructor function registered (see defcomponent)
(defcomponent name lambda-list &body body) function
Define and add new component
(eventp event widget) function
Test is an event is from a widget. The event must be an integer the widget must be a string
(generatore-text specifiche &key colonne-conservare bordo) function
Genera una gui secondo delle specifiche fornite con una lista di stringhe. Ritorna una plist con i componenti creati. Il componente principale viene chiamato "tabella"
(gtk str) function
Comunication function. Send the command in 'str' to the gtk-server and returns the gtk-server output
(gtkserver-exit) function
Exit from the gtk-server issuing a gtk_exit 0
(gtkserver-init) function
GtkServer init (this function is implementation-dependent)
(gtk_box_pack_end box child expand fill padding) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_box_pack_start box child expand fill padding) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_button_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_button_new_with_label label) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_cell_renderer_text_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_check_menu_item_get_active what) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_check_menu_item_new_with_label label) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_combo_box_append_text w what) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_combo_box_get_active w) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_combo_box_get_active_text w) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_combo_box_new_text) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_combo_box_remove_text w what) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_combo_box_set_active w index) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_container_add container child) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_dialog_run what) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_entry_get_text w) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_entry_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_entry_set_text what text) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_file_chooser_add_filter chooser filter) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new title parent action first-button-label first-button-response second-button-label second-button-response) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_file_chooser_get_filename dialog) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_file_chooser_set_filename dialog filename) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_file_chooser_widget_new action) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_file_filter_add_pattern filter string) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_file_filter_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_file_filter_set_name filter name) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_frame_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_frame_set_label what label) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_hbox_new homogeneus spacing) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_image_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_image_new_from_file filename) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_image_new_from_pixmap pixmap bitmap) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_image_set_from_file image filename) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_label_new text) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_label_set_use_markup what status) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_list_store_append store iter) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_list_store_clear store) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid store iter) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_list_store_new &rest types) function
Please see the Gtk-Documentation. WARNING: this function isn't generated by the defgtk macro because need to call the gtk_server_redefine function of the gtk-server. The number of argument is variable here. This function only works in Gtk-Server 2.0.7
(gtk_list_store_set store iter column value terminator) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_menu_bar_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_menu_item_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_menu_item_new_with_label label) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic label) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_menu_item_set_right_justified what status) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_menu_item_set_submenu what submenu) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_menu_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_menu_shell_append where child) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_message_dialog_new parent flags type buttons message) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_misc_set_alignment what xalign yalign) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_scrolled_window_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_server_enable_c_string_escaping) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_table_attach_defaults container child left right top bottom) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_table_new rows cols homogeneus) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter what iter) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_buffer_get_insert buffer) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter what iter) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_buffer_get_text what iter-start iter-end hidden-char) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_buffer_insert what iter cosa length) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_buffer_insert_at_cursor buffer text len) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_buffer_set_text what text length) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_view_get_buffer what) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_view_get_text textview) function
Prende tutto il testo contenuto in una textview
(gtk_text_view_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_view_scroll_to_mark text_view mark within_margin use_align xalign yalign) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_view_set_editable what status) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_text_view_set_text textview testo) function
Imposta tutto il testo contenuto in una textview con protezione per stringhe troppo lunghe
(gtk_tree_model_get_string_from_iter model iter) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_selection_get_selected sel model row) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_selection_set_mode tv mode) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_get_fixed_width column) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_get_max_width column) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_get_min_width column) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_get_sizing column) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_get_width column) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_set_fixed_width column width) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_set_max_width column width) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_set_min_width column width) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing column sizing) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_get_column tv column) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_get_model tv) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_get_selection tv) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes tv pos title renderer attribute value) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_new) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_tree_view_set_model tv model) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_vbox_new homogeneus spacing) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_widget_destroy what) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_widget_show_all what) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_window_new type) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_window_set_default_size win width height) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_window_set_modal win modal) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_window_set_title window title) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(gtk_window_set_transient_for window child) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
gui-component class
Generic gui component class. It defines a slot 'widget' to store the corrisponding gtk widget. If you want to create a custom component with a class you must use put this class as your superclass
Class precedence list: gui-component standard-object t
Class init args: :widget
(g_object_unref obj) function
Please see the documention of the relative gtk function in the Gtk Api docs
(send-gs-socket text) function
Send some output to the gtk-server socket
(send-gtk func &rest args) function
Send a command to the gtk-server stream. It concatenates all the arguments in args to the command
(show-error-dialog parent message) function
Message information dialog
(show-info-dialog parent message) function
Message information dialog
(show-warning-dialog parent message) function
Message information dialog
(show-yes-no-dialog parent message) function
Yes/No dialog. Returns t if yes and nil if no
undocumented(with-components dichiarazioni &rest istruzioni) function
Component creation macro. Example: (with-components ((bt-esci (button "Esci")) (tv-testo (entry) :nodecl) (lb-chiudi (label "Chiudi"))))
(with-event-loop nome &rest gestione) function
Event loop macro. Example: (WITH-EVENT-LOOP EVENTO (BOTTONE (PRINT "bottone")) (TESTO (PRINT "testo")))
(with-gtk-server &body body) function
Protect gtk-servered code and call initializations and cleanup utilities
(with-pack-in box &rest righe) function
Example: (with-pack-in box-categoria ((:expand 0 :fill 0 :padding 2) lb-categoria) ((:expand 1 :fill 1 :padding 2) en-categoria))
Documentation generated by lispdoc running on LispWorks Personal Edition